Amicus Attorney® refers to itself as "The Law Office on a Computer." It can be thought of as a Firm or Practice Management program that ties everything together automatically and presents it back to you in complete detail and thoroughly organized, so no details fall between the cracks.

Amicus Attorney® consists of three primary modules: Case files, Contacts, and the Calendar; and 3 secondary modules: Communications Center, Timesheets, and the Library. It also integrates Word, WordPerfect, or HotDocs into the program in such a way that your word processor could (and should) be thought of as a module of Amicus Attorney® as well.

The first screen you see when you open Amicus Attorney® each day is the customizable Dailies seen below. While this isn't really thought of as a true module, it does pull together information from the other modules to provide a short and very useful report. You can customize which module is shown first, but "Today's Practice Reminders" is often a good choice.

Figure 1
Practice Reminders

Look over the types of information you get first thing in the morning. Any of these notes can be clicked on to provide more detail. For example if you click on the Phone Messages note, the outstanding messages screen of the Comm Center module in Figure 2 comes up. Note that urgent messages are in red, and note that each message can be immediately dealt with by highlighting the message, and clicking the phone icon to automatically return the call. Returned calls are timed, and provide a button for you to click to create a Timesheet for the call, so the billable time is captured.

Figure 2
Comm Center

Other views in the Dailies include "Today's Overview" shown below in Figure 3. You can see the overview it provides of appointments, todos, phone and email messages that need to be dealt with.

Figure 3
Today's Overview

Any message can be double clicked for more detail, marked as Dealt with, forwarded to other members of the firm, or made a ToDo on your or someone else's ToDo list as seen below.
Figure 3b

Looking back at Figure 1 some other choices in the Dailies module include Firm News which is can be created in word or WordPerfect as saved as an HTML document. This could be used to keep everyone in the firm apprised of current deadlines and priorities for example

Legal news is also a choice. Amicus provides a menu of choices for types of law interested in, or different sources to use to obtain the news. A sample of what this might look like when clicked is in Figure 4.

News, weather, and golf work similarly. Any valuable site can be included on this Dailies Page.

Figure 4
Legal News

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TTo discuss your office automation needs, to order Amicus Attorney® or any Gavel & Gown® product such as Telephone Pro®, or Advanced Reports; to upgrade to Amicus Attorney IV ®, or to arrange training, customization or troubleshooting call:

Steve Henes Computer Support
Voice      (602) 957-4496
FAX        (602) 957-4414

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or write:
3104 E Camelback Rd, #578
Phoenix, AZ 85016